

MOLEQULE-ON reagents and kits are essential tool in research and various field of science, which enable accurate experiments and tests. Our products are integrated with newest technologies to meet the demand of a wide range of laboratories. The list includes PCR and qPCR reagents, electrophoresis, enzymes, nucleic acid extraction and purification kits, colorimetric and ELISA kits and buffers.

Tris Glycine Buffer, 10X


Tris-Glycine-SDS (TGS) running buffer is the most commonly used buffer for native protein gel electrophoresis or transfer buffer for western blots. TGS buffer is usually used for both anode and cathode buffer. 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer is a space-saving stock solution that is ideal for quickly preparing standard Tris-glycine (pH 8.3) running buffer. It can be used for semi-dry blotting for SDS-PAGE gels by the addition of 20% methanol.
Recommended running conditions are 150 volts for mini vertical gel electrophoresis units.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Tris Glycine Buffer, 10X
Catalog Number

Tris Glycine SDS Buffer, 10X


Tris-Glycine-SDS (TGS) running buffer is the most commonly used buffer for SDS-PAGE of proteins. TGS is usually used for both anode and cathode buffer. 10X Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer is a space-saving stock solution that is ideal for quickly preparing standard Tris-glycine-SDS (pH 8.3) running buffer used for SDS-PAGE (protein polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). Recommended running conditions are 150 volts for mini vertical gel electrophoresis units.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Tris Glycine SDS Buffer, 10X
Catalog Number

Tris Buffered Saline Buffer, TBS, 20X


Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) is a buffering solution that stabilizes pH. The solution is commonly used for western blot and ELISA procedures. It is used as a convenient prepared buffer for use in various applications.

Working Solution

To make one liter of 1X working concentration, take 50 ml of 20X TBS Buffer and mix with 950 ml of sterile distilled water. 1X Buffer contains 0.14 M Sodium Chloride, 3 mM Potassium Chloride, and 25 mM Tris Base.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Tris Buffered Saline Buffer, TBS, 20X
Catalog Number

Tris Buffer, 1M


Tris (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane hydrochloride buffer in 1M concentration is the most suitable solution to be used in a variety of biological applications. The buffer is mostly used to control pH in different molecular biology procedures.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Tris Buffer, 1M
Catalog Number

Phosphate Buffer, 1M


Phosphate buffers (also called Gomori buffers) consist of potassium phosphate monobasic and potassium phosphate dibasic salts. The buffer is soluble in water and has high buffering capacity. Phosphate buffer is used in different research domains, including molecular biology.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Phosphate Buffer, 1M
Catalog Number

Carbonate buffer


Carbonate buffers contain salt of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. Carbonate buffer is important for numerous diverse cellular processes. It is important in the acid-base homeostasis and widely used as buffering system to maintain the pH of blood.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Carbonate buffer
Catalog Number

Sodium Chloride Solution, 1M


Sodium chloride 1M solution is widely used in different procedures of scientific domains like biology and chemistry. 1M solution of NaCl provides a stable ionic strength which is required for many biochemical and biophysical processes. During experimentation, 1M solution isotonic solution of sodium chloride salt helps in maintaining cellular integrity. Isotonic solution of NaCl prevents cells from shrinking or lysis when they are under study. It is also used in nucleic acid extractions for enhancing the capability of nucleic acid to precipitate by disturbing their hydrogen bonds in the presence of alcohol.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Sodium Chloride Solution, 1M
Catalog Number

RIPA Buffer


RIPA buffer is one of the most reliable buffers used to lyse cultured mammalian cells from both plated cells and cells pelleted from suspension cultures. This buffer enables protein extraction from cytoplasmic, membrane, and nuclear proteins and is compatible with many applications, including reporter assays, protein assays, immunoassays, and protein purification.

Extraction of cellular proteins requires efficient cell lysis and protein solubilization, while avoiding protein degradation and/or interference with protein immunoreactivity and biological activity. RIPA Buffer enables rapid, efficient cell lysis and solubilization of protein from both adherent and suspension cultured mammalian cells. It has long been a widely used lysis and wash buffer for small-scale affinity pull-down applications, such as immunoprecipitation, since most antibodies and protein antigens are not adversely affected by the components of this buffer. In addition, RIPA buffer minimizes non-specific protein-binding most specific interactions to occur, enabling studies of relevant protein-protein interactions.

RIPA buffer is supplied as several kinds of solution. Protease and phosphatase inhibitors may be added to the lysis buffer as needed. One ml of the RIPA buffer is sufficient to lyse cells from one 100mm culture dish (0.5 to 5X10^7 cells) of most adherent mammalian cell lines.

A. Procedure for Lysis of Adherent Cells

1. Remove growth medium from the cells by decantation or aspiration.
2. Wash cells to remove residual medium. Slowly add a volume of a physiological wash solution, such as DPBS, equal to the original medium volume being careful not to dislodge cells. Mix gently and remove the wash solution. Repeat the wash once in order to remove any other minor contaminants. More washing steps can be done, but two is usually sufficient to remove nearly all of the contaminants.
3. After removal of the final wash solution from the cells, add an appropriate volume of RIPA Buffer (1ml for 0.5 to 5x10^7 cells). Incubate on ice or in a refrigerator (2-8°C) for five minutes.
4. Rapidly scrape the plate with a cell scraper to remove and lyse residual cells. Transfer the cell lysate to a tube on ice. The lysate can either be used immediately or quick-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°C for future use. It is best to freeze the lysate before clarification, since the freeze-thaw cycle may cause some denatured protein aggregates.
5. Clarify the lysate by centrifugation at 8,000 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C to pellet the cell debris.
Note: if a mucoid aggregate of denatured nucleic acids is present, carefully remove it with a micropipette before centrifugation.
6. Carefully transfer the supernatant containing the soluble protein to a tube on ice for immunoprecipitation or other analysis.

B. Procedure for Lysis of Suspension Cultured Cells

1. Pellet the cells by centrifugation at 450 x g for 5 minutes.
2. Carefully remove the medium from the cell pellet by decantation or aspiration.
3. Wash the cells to remove residual medium. Add a volume of a physiological wash solution, such as DPBS, equal to the original medium volume. Mix or vortex briefly to resuspend the cells completely. Centrifuge for 5 minutes at 450 x g to pellet the cells and carefully remove wash solution supernatant. Repeat the wash once in order to remove any other minor contaminants. More washing steps can be done, but two is usually sufficient to remove nearly all of the contaminants.
4. After removal of the final wash solution from the cells, add an appropriate volume of RIPA Buffer (1ml per 0.5 to 5X10^7 cells) to the cell pellet, and mix or vortex briefly to resuspend the cells completely. Incubate on ice or in a refrigerator (2-8°C) for five minutes. Vortex briefly to resuspend and lyse residual cells.
5. The lysate can either be used immediately or quick-frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -70°C for future use.
6. Clarify the lysate by centrifugation at 8,000 x g for 10 minutes at 4°C to pellet the cell debris.
Note: If a mucoid aggregate of denatured nucleic acids is present, carefully remove it with a micropipette before centrifugation.
7. Carefully transfer the supernatant containing the soluble protein to a tube on ice for immunoprecipitation or other analysis.

Ordering Information
Product Name
RIPA Buffer
Catalog Number

Red Cell Lysis Buffer


MQ RBC Lysis Buffer uses the principle that the salt ion concentration inside and outside the cell causes the cell membrane to burst to split non-nucleated red blood cells.
This lysis buffer has been treated aseptically and is mainly used for the separation and purification of histiocytes digested and dispersed by enzymes, the separation and purification of lymphocytes, and the removal of red blood cells in experiments such as the extraction of histiocytic protein and nucleic acid.

Ordering Information
Product Name
Red Cell Lysis Buffer
Catalog Number

MQ Western One Step Blocker


MQ Western One Step Blocker is a blocking solution for Western blot analysis. This Blocker buffer not only provides blocking and primary and secondary antibody hybridization in one step but also enhances the signal developed with HRP (horseradish peroxidase) or AP (alkaline phosphatase) substrates. It, therefore, serves as both blocker and enhancer in Western analysis. With the three - in - one step procedure, MQ Western One Step Blocker is a time and labor economic solution for the time consuming and laborious Western procedure.


  • 3 Steps in One: Block the membrane and dilute primary and secondary antibody in one step.
  • Enhance antibody signal: It shows a two-to five-fold increase in signal intensity for most protein targets, enabling much less protein to be detected with the same substrate and method.
  • Enhance time-saving: It saves at least 2 hours in the antibody detection process during the Western Blot, with only one hour needed.
  • Universal antibody diluent: Ready-to-use dilution buffer for most of primary and secondary antibody.
  • No blocking step needed: Just immerse the membrane in the MQ Western One Step Blocker solution with your antibodies.
  • Effective with any ECL: After the antibody detection process, the signal can be developed with both HRP (horseradish peroxidase) and AP (alkaline phosphatase) substrates.
  • Less hands-on steps: No 3 wash steps are required, meaning no need to transfer the membrane in & out of the container.
  • Compatible with PVDF & NC membrane: Regardless of the pore size, the MQ Blocker minimizes the background from non - specific protein binding by antibodies.
  • Improve protein detection: Improve the binding process of target proteins, so that specific antibodies can bind more effectively.
  • Protein free: Reduces overall background and minimizes non-specific signals often seen with ECL detection.
  • 1°Ab (ab 8227, abcam ): Rabbit anti beta actin; 1:5,000
    2°Ab (ab 205718, abcam ): Goat anti Rabbit HRP; 1:5,000

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    MQ Western One Step Blocker
    Catalog Number

    MQ Western Stripping Buffer


    Nitrocellulo se and PVDF membranes probed by Western blotting procedures and detected by chemiluminescent or other non - precipitating substrates can be stripped and re - probed using MQ Western Stripping Buffer. Western blotting is widely used to detect and compare proteins in complex mixtures, and chemiluminescence has largely replaced chromogenic substrates as the most convenient and sensitive method of detection. One advantage of chemiluminescence is the ability to strip and re - probe the protein mixture on the membrane. Traditional stripping methods use conditions that are effective for only low - affinity antibody - antigen interactions or are so harsh that they tend to adversely alter the antigen for subsequent immunoprobing. MQ Western Stripping Buffer is a robust but gentle formulation for stripping primary and secondary antibodies from blots to enable several reprobings on the same membrane.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    MQ Western Stripping Buffer
    Catalog Number

    HEPES Buffer, 1M


    HEPES (N'-hydroxythylpiperazine-N'-ethanesulfanic acid) is a hydrogen ion buffer that can control a constant pH range for a long time. The effective buffer range is pH 6.8-8.2. It is often used to prepare protein extraction buffer and cell culture buffer.
    HEPES is used in cell culture with a final concentration of 10-25 mM, which can maintain a relatively constant pH value in open culture or cell observation.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    HEPES Buffer, 1M
    Catalog Number

    PIPES Buffer, 1M


    PIPES (Piperazine-N,N'-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid)) is frequently used as a buffer solution in biochemistry. PIPES reduces lipid loss when buffering glutaraldehyde histology in plant and animal tissues. It also has an insignificant capacity to bind divalent ions. PIPES is suitable for cell culture work as the pKa is close to the physiological pH.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    PIPES Buffer, 1M
    Catalog Number

    TNE Buffer


    TNE Buffer contains Tris Base (10mM), NaCl (100mM) and EDTA (1mM) pH 7.4. TNE Buffer is often used for the fluorometric determination of DNA content, resuspension of pelleted virus or reporter virus particles and isolation of proteins from yeast cells.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    TNE Buffer
    Catalog Number

    Triton X100 Detergent Solution


    Triton X-100 is a commonly used detergent in various laboratories. Triton X-100 Detergent Solution contains 10% highly purified Triton X-100 which is used as a non-ionic detergent for the isolation of membrane proteins under non-denaturing conditions. It is used as a multi-purpose detergent to optimize protein-protein interactions.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Triton X100 Detergent Solution
    Catalog Number
    Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS)
    TBE Buffer
    TAE Buffer
    TE Buffer
    Tris Glycine Buffer, 10X

    Tris Glycine Buffer, 10X


    Tris-Glycine-SDS (TGS) running buffer is the most commonly used buffer for native protein gel electrophoresis or transfer buffer for western blots. TGS buffer is usually used for both anode and cathode buffer. 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer is a space-saving stock solution that is ideal for quickly preparing standard Tris-glycine (pH 8.3) running buffer. It can be used for semi-dry blotting for SDS-PAGE gels by the addition of 20% methanol.
    Recommended running conditions are 150 volts for mini vertical gel electrophoresis units.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Tris Glycine Buffer, 10X
    Catalog Number
    Tris Glycine SDS Buffer, 10X

    Tris Glycine SDS Buffer, 10X


    Tris-Glycine-SDS (TGS) running buffer is the most commonly used buffer for SDS-PAGE of proteins. TGS is usually used for both anode and cathode buffer. 10X Tris-Glycine-SDS Buffer is a space-saving stock solution that is ideal for quickly preparing standard Tris-glycine-SDS (pH 8.3) running buffer used for SDS-PAGE (protein polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). Recommended running conditions are 150 volts for mini vertical gel electrophoresis units.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Tris Glycine SDS Buffer, 10X
    Catalog Number
    Tris Buffered Saline
    Buffer, TBS, 20X

    Tris Buffered Saline Buffer, TBS, 20X


    Tris Buffered Saline (TBS) is a buffering solution that stabilizes pH. The solution is commonly used for western blot and ELISA procedures. It is used as a convenient prepared buffer for use in various applications.

    Working Solution

    To make one liter of 1X working concentration, take 50 ml of 20X TBS Buffer and mix with 950 ml of sterile distilled water. 1X Buffer contains 0.14 M Sodium Chloride, 3 mM Potassium Chloride, and 25 mM Tris Base.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Tris Buffered Saline Buffer, TBS, 20X
    Catalog Number
    Tris Buffer, 1M

    Tris Buffer, 1M


    Tris (hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane hydrochloride buffer in 1M concentration is the most suitable solution to be used in a variety of biological applications. The buffer is mostly used to control pH in different molecular biology procedures.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Tris Buffer, 1M
    Catalog Number
    Phosphate Buffer, 1M

    Phosphate Buffer, 1M


    Phosphate buffers (also called Gomori buffers) consist of potassium phosphate monobasic and potassium phosphate dibasic salts. The buffer is soluble in water and has high buffering capacity. Phosphate buffer is used in different research domains, including molecular biology.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Phosphate Buffer, 1M
    Catalog Number
    Carbonate buffer

    Carbonate buffer


    Carbonate buffers contain salt of sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate. Carbonate buffer is important for numerous diverse cellular processes. It is important in the acid-base homeostasis and widely used as buffering system to maintain the pH of blood.

    Ordering Information
    Product Name
    Carbonate buffer
    Catalog Number
    Sodium Chloride Solution, 1M