MOLEQULE-ON reagents and kits are essential tool in research and various field of science, which enable accurate experiments and tests. Our products are integrated with newest technologies to meet the demand of a wide range of laboratories. The list includes PCR and qPCR reagents, electrophoresis, enzymes, nucleic acid extraction and purification kits, colorimetric and ELISA kits and buffers.
- Absolute Master Mix
- Absolute Master Mix 2
- MQ HotStart Ready Mix
- Taq DNA Polymerase
MQ HotStart NanoTaq
DNA Polymerase - dNTPs Mix
Sterile Water
(Nuclease Free)
Absolute Master Mix
Absolute Master Mix is a ready - to - use PCR reaction mixture . It only requires addition of primers, DNA template and water to carry out polymerase chain reaction . Absolute Master Mix contains recombinant Thermostable DNA Polymerase, PCR Buffer with Mg²+ , dNTPs and loading dyes . Absolute Master Mix is supplied at the 2 X concentration to allow approximately 50 % of the final reaction volume to be used for the addition of primer and template solutions.
Absolute Master Mix 2
Absolute Master Mix is a ready-to-use PCR reaction mixture. It only requires addition of primers, DNA template and water to carry out polymerase chain reaction. Absolute Master Mix contains Taq DNA polymerase, PCR Buffer, dNTPs and loading dyes. Absolute Master Mix is supplied at the 2X concentration to allow approximately 50% of the final reaction volume to be used for the addition of primer and template solutions. Components of Absolute Master Mix are tested for the absence of DNase, RNase and exonuclease activities. Recombinant Taq DNA polymerase is tested for the absence of exonuclease, and double- and single-stranded endonuclease activities.
MQ HotStart Ready Mix
The MQ HotStart Ready Mix is a combination of Taq DNA polymerase and an engineered archaeal (B-family) DNA polymerase. Both enzymes possess 5’ – 3’ polymerase activity, but only Taq possesses 5’ – 3’ exonuclease activity, and only the B-family DNA polymerase possesses 3’ – 5’ exonuclease activity. This two-enzyme system is designed to support robust, long-range, and sensitive PCR.
The MQ HotStart Ready Mix is ideally suited for:
Taq DNA Polymerase
Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that catalyzes the polymerization of nucleotides into duplex DNA in the 5 ’ → 3 ’ direction . MOLEQULE - ON’s Taq DNA polymerase is isolated from E . coli strain containing the Taq DNA polymerase gene from Thermus aquaticus . The buffer system is optimized for high specificity and guarantees minimal by - product formation . Usually 1 - 1 . 5 u of Taq DNA Polymerase is used in 50 μl of reaction mix . Higher Taq DNA Polymerase concentrations may cause synthesis of nonspecific products . However, if inhibitors are present in the reaction mix (e . g . , if the template DNA used is not highly purified), higher amounts of Taq DNA Polymerase ( 2 - 3 U) may be necessary to obtain a better yield of amplification products . This product can be used in Routine PCR, SYBR - Green - based qPCR , Dual - labeled probe based qPCR , primer extension, TA cloning and gene sequencing.
MQ HotStart NanoTaq DNA Polymerase
MOLEQULE - ON HotStart NanoTaq DNA Polymerase, is an enhanced hot start enzyme DNA Polymerase engineered with nano technology, which differentiates from the traditional methods of hot start enzymes . It provides the convenience and reliability towards your research destination . MQ NanoTaq covers reactions at room temperature and cycling conditions (using same protocol) as the conventional Taq as well as reducing nonspecific primer annealing, improving product yield and ideal for PCR products application of up to 5 kb.
Figure 1 . Comparison of non - specific amplifying effects . All amplifications were performed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to amplify 320 to 941 bp amplicons from human genomic DNA . MQ NanoTaq provided both higher specificity and yield products with least band shifting compared to other commercial antibody - mediated hot start polymerase.
Figure 2 . Sensitivity and reliable amplification from low amounts of input DNA . Amplification of a 803 bp fragment from 3 ; 0 . 3 ; 0 . 2 ; 0 . 1 ; 0 . 03 ; 0 (no template control) ng of human genomic DNA were amplified in 20 μL PCR reactions using MQ NanoTaq DNA Polymerase.
Figure 3 . Efficient amplification of DNA sequences with a range of GC content . A series of DNA fragments of increasing GC content were amplified from human gDNA . MQ HotStart NanoTaq DNA Polymerase was used for targets with > 50 % GC.
PR – M – 003 – 500
dNTPs Mix (PCR Grade)
25 mM dNTP ( 2 ' - deoxynucleoside 5 ' - triphosphate) Mix consists of all four nucleotides ( dATP , dCTP , dGTP , dTTP ), each at a concentration of 25 mM, in a solution of 0 . 6 mM Tris - HCl (pH 7 . 5 ) . The 25 mM dNTP Mix is suitable for use in polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequencing, fill - in, nick translation, cDNA synthesis, and TdT - tailing reactions . 25 mM dNTPs Mix can be diluted to the desired concentration . Highly pure dNTPs are important for successful PCR, as the presence of contaminating impurities in PCR can result in a decrease in amplification sensitivity and product yield.
Sterile Water, Nuclease Free
Nuclease free water offered by MOLEQULE - ON, New Zealand is made to use in all kinds of molecular biology applications. It has been prepared without the use of chemicals such as DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate) using an in - house method. It is membrane - filtered a nd tested for DNase and RNase activity.
Absolute Master Mix
Absolute Master Mix is a ready - to - use PCR reaction mixture . It only requires addition of primers, DNA template and water to carry out polymerase chain reaction . Absolute Master Mix contains recombinant Thermostable DNA Polymerase, PCR Buffer with Mg²+ , dNTPs and loading dyes . Absolute Master Mix is supplied at the 2 X concentration to allow approximately 50 % of the final reaction volume to be used for the addition of primer and template solutions.
Absolute Master Mix 2
Absolute Master Mix is a ready-to-use PCR reaction mixture. It only requires addition of primers, DNA template and water to carry out polymerase chain reaction. Absolute Master Mix contains Taq DNA polymerase, PCR Buffer, dNTPs and loading dyes. Absolute Master Mix is supplied at the 2X concentration to allow approximately 50% of the final reaction volume to be used for the addition of primer and template solutions. Components of Absolute Master Mix are tested for the absence of DNase, RNase and exonuclease activities. Recombinant Taq DNA polymerase is tested for the absence of exonuclease, and double- and single-stranded endonuclease activities.
MQ HotStart Ready Mix
The MQ HotStart Ready Mix is a combination of Taq DNA polymerase and an engineered archaeal (B-family) DNA polymerase. Both enzymes possess 5’ – 3’ polymerase activity, but only Taq possesses 5’ – 3’ exonuclease activity, and only the B-family DNA polymerase possesses 3’ – 5’ exonuclease activity. This two-enzyme system is designed to support robust, long-range, and sensitive PCR.
The MQ HotStart Ready Mix is ideally suited for:
Taq DNA Polymerase
Taq DNA Polymerase is a thermostable DNA polymerase that catalyzes the polymerization of nucleotides into duplex DNA in the 5 ’ → 3 ’ direction . MOLEQULE - ON’s Taq DNA polymerase is isolated from E . coli strain containing the Taq DNA polymerase gene from Thermus aquaticus . The buffer system is optimized for high specificity and guarantees minimal by - product formation . Usually 1 - 1 . 5 u of Taq DNA Polymerase is used in 50 μl of reaction mix . Higher Taq DNA Polymerase concentrations may cause synthesis of nonspecific products . However, if inhibitors are present in the reaction mix (e . g . , if the template DNA used is not highly purified), higher amounts of Taq DNA Polymerase ( 2 - 3 U) may be necessary to obtain a better yield of amplification products . This product can be used in Routine PCR, SYBR - Green - based qPCR , Dual - labeled probe based qPCR , primer extension, TA cloning and gene sequencing.
MQ HotStart NanoTaq DNA Polymerase
MOLEQULE - ON HotStart NanoTaq DNA Polymerase, is an enhanced hot start enzyme DNA Polymerase engineered with nano technology, which differentiates from the traditional methods of hot start enzymes . It provides the convenience and reliability towards your research destination . MQ NanoTaq covers reactions at room temperature and cycling conditions (using same protocol) as the conventional Taq as well as reducing nonspecific primer annealing, improving product yield and ideal for PCR products application of up to 5 kb.
Figure 1 . Comparison of non - specific amplifying effects . All amplifications were performed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions to amplify 320 to 941 bp amplicons from human genomic DNA . MQ NanoTaq provided both higher specificity and yield products with least band shifting compared to other commercial antibody - mediated hot start polymerase.
Figure 2 . Sensitivity and reliable amplification from low amounts of input DNA . Amplification of a 803 bp fragment from 3 ; 0 . 3 ; 0 . 2 ; 0 . 1 ; 0 . 03 ; 0 (no template control) ng of human genomic DNA were amplified in 20 μL PCR reactions using MQ NanoTaq DNA Polymerase.
Figure 3 . Efficient amplification of DNA sequences with a range of GC content . A series of DNA fragments of increasing GC content were amplified from human gDNA . MQ HotStart NanoTaq DNA Polymerase was used for targets with > 50 % GC.
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dNTPs Mix (PCR Grade)
25 mM dNTP ( 2 ' - deoxynucleoside 5 ' - triphosphate) Mix consists of all four nucleotides ( dATP , dCTP , dGTP , dTTP ), each at a concentration of 25 mM, in a solution of 0 . 6 mM Tris - HCl (pH 7 . 5 ) . The 25 mM dNTP Mix is suitable for use in polymerase chain reaction (PCR), sequencing, fill - in, nick translation, cDNA synthesis, and TdT - tailing reactions . 25 mM dNTPs Mix can be diluted to the desired concentration . Highly pure dNTPs are important for successful PCR, as the presence of contaminating impurities in PCR can result in a decrease in amplification sensitivity and product yield.
Sterile Water, Nuclease Free
Nuclease free water offered by MOLEQULE - ON, New Zealand is made to use in all kinds of molecular biology applications. It has been prepared without the use of chemicals such as DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate) using an in - house method. It is membrane - filtered a nd tested for DNase and RNase activity.